Thursday, April 29, 2010


So...what exactly IS tumblr and do I really need ANOTHER social media venue to explore my insecurites and try to "connect" with people? Maybe.

Maybe not.

In college, I did Friendster for two seconds. In grad school, I tried MySpace, and the Face Book. Laziness, not enough ego, and a break-up, led me to abandon those sites, and I turned to Twitter. I registered a username in 2007, but didnt start tweeting until two months into having an iPhone. Twitter was great...short, mobile, and enough for my level of ego. And now I have to realize that Twitter's capabilities should be more? Huh?


But I may just grab "kavabuggy" as a tumblr username, just to have it. Not that people even know that word exists, but I made it up, so it's mine.

Okay. I have a tumblr account. Let's see where this leads.

I need to find a portal à la "Being John Malkovich" or something, so I can transmogrify into another me so there will be enough mes to tweet, tumble (?), blog, AND journal by hand in an actual diary/journal (remember those?!!!). If I'm going to commit to discovering who I am/am suppopsed to be, I have to take part in all of these methods, just to be fair. Oh geez. This is overwhelming.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm not dead...

No matter how much some people wish for the contrary, I still exist.

I've taken the time away from "blogging" to figure out what it is I should blog about--narrow my focus, if you will. I thought maybe, in the spirit of "Julie & Julia," to review movies as a regular person...not as some wannabe filmmaker or as an unsuccessful journalist, but as a regular movie lover (not "buff," I'm hardly that)...a person who, since 11 years old, has been enamored with films, and rarely dislikes one. I think I'll attempt that, but I KNOW there's no way I can refrain from posting something personal. So...

I'll try. Just like everything else...I'll try. Just don't hate me if I get into a personal discourse with myself (how schizo, I know, but I have never thought I was perfect. People have issues, and I deal a little better if I put them out there and get them out of my head once in a while) every now and again.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Spring Awakening

i saw it a week ago, and was blown away. the above song is my favorite, and i like when the guy from season 3 of "Lost" sings it.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Birthday Wishes

For my birthday, I want Twitter followers


New glasses
A subscription to Geek Magazine
Tickets and a person to see the Pretenders with on 02/28/09 at the House of Blues
My ex back
A pay raise
An external hard drive/time capsule for my time machine
My brother to get and keep a job
My student loan paid off
Cold weather for at least four consecutive days
-10 pounds
The staff schedule I created to go unchanged until June

Posted by ShoZu

Monday, January 05, 2009


In my insomniatic state, I have gone into the apple app store to test out some free blogger apps.

Let's see if this post (via lifecast) actually posts.

I want to sleep!!!!! Bring it!!

Posted with LifeCast

Uploaded - 1\5\09

This is what I get to look forward to tomorrow. And it isn't even by desk. I don't have a desk. :(

Posted by ShoZu


It's almost 1am. I can't sleep, and I have to be at work early tomorrow. And what am I doing? Rather than TRYING to get some winks, I'm blogging. And pigs must fly, because I just used the word "blog" as a verb in relation to something I'm doing. I should have just tweeted instead...

Posted by ShoZu

Sunday, January 04, 2009

I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

I keep getting emails and actual physical mail from AARP, and I'm only turning 30 on Friday!

Uploaded by

I definitely need to live somewhere with consistent weather and/or seasons. I don't know how much longer I can deal with the up and down weather of Houston (see above photo).

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the last day of 2008...

i swear i am NOT on drugs. i have never done illegal drugs, nor have i ever abused prescription drugs in my life. i have no crazy addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex, cigarettes, etc. in fact, i could be classified as mormon, were it not for the scarcity of biracial mormons in this world. i'm fine being part of a minority, but i don't want to make up the entire population of said minority. i could also be a nun, were it not for my inability to distance myself from my most treasured material things (i.e., my pillow, converse sneakers, iphone, macbook, old photos, and books). anyway, i only mention drugs because i have just read this post (yes, this is paragraph is from a different moment in time than the following paragraphs), and i end it as though i am a child of the 60s. or the offspring of henry david thoreau and emily dickinson.

so, on this day, the last day of 2008, i must admit that things are not well. i realized that at the end of this year, only one great thing happened. i finally got my master's degree. maybe two things, i guess...i had that tutoring job and felt useful to the world. now, things couldn't be in a bigger mess. mentally, not in a good head space. physically, i'm not fat, but i'll be 30 soon, and i feel like i need to work towards an active lifestyle, or i will get huge and develop even bigger complexes pertaining to my self worth and relation to people. emotionally, i'm confused. i might be bipolar, i don't know. that might just be my hypochondria talking, but i have health insurance now, so maybe i can see a doctor and get my head filled with medical worries.

i grow increasingly frustrated with my job, all due to hurricane ike displacing me to the purgatory of the offshore energy center's main office in houston. yes, i wasn't too fond of galveston, but there were two co-workers in galveston i didn't mind so much, and i felt like i was doing something. it might not have been saving the world, but i was applying everything i learned (and paid for) in grad school to actual museum work. hmm...

on this last day of 2008, i also realize that i constantly make poor decisions, which lead to being victimized along the scale of which one can be victimized. the hurricane. christmas being stolen (oh...did i mention that when it happened? must have been only on twitter. well, some asswipe broke into our house between 100-230am on christmas morning and stole gifts from under our tree) by some neighborhood grinch. money stolen from me in february. my credit cards stolen and used in july. there is an unwritten laundry list of wrongs against me/us. it's just been one fun time after another.

surely i don't bring it upon myself!? i was there during the "secret" craze, i watch oprah. i understand that universe action/reaction thing, but i swear i'm not always "woe is me, universe bring all your bad tidings upon me. have someone come to me and steal my american express, capital one, and usaa cards and charge $1135 at gas stations and bars across houston on them!" no way. i do not believe that me questioning if an ex has feelings for me or thinking about my loneliness makes all of this stuff happen. but i can't explain how it happened other than it did. i am aware that it happened. i only hope that it ceases to occur in 2009, and that it's yet another string of life/path that bring me to whereever else i'm supposed to be going.

i hope 2009 is better. for all of us.